Welcome to the photo and art website of Beth Lily Redwood. In everything I create, my intention is to share the vision of a vegan world where every animal is respected, protected and loved. My art seeks to awaken a deep appreciation for and recognition of the sacred soul, beauty and individuality of animals.

You can also find my images on Instagram: 
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BethLilyRedwood

Vegan since 2005, I am a photographer, graphic artist and writer. I am an artist member of the Art of Compassion Project specializing in photography of rescued animal ambassadors who live in sanctuaries. The Art of Compassion Project is an international collective of vegan artists who participate in exhibitions worldwide that raise funds for vegan, nonprofit organizations. 

Through The Art of Compassion Project, my photos and digital art are now being exhibited worldwide. My photos and poetry are included in The Art of Compassion: Creative Activism for Animals book. For four years, I served as a graphic designer for Melanie Joy’s Beyond Carnism organization and I helped with her TEDx talk. My photos are on the cover of Seth Tibbott’s In Search of the Wild Tofurky book, the cover of Melanie Joy’s Beyond Beliefs book, and was featured in exhibits at the Animal Museum, the Anderson Chase Gallery, Animal Liberation Victoria, Lewis & Clark College, the Percolator Artspace, The Artists’ Gallery, plus several other exhibitions presented by The Art of Compassion Project.

My photos and/or graphic design have been included in People magazine, Compassionate Action magazine, United Poultry Concerns’ Poultry Press magazine, Vegan Health and Fitness magazine, Spot Magazine, and for animal advocacy groups and individuals, including Genesis Butler, Jonathan Balcombe, Veganuary, Vegstock, Go Vegan Ireland, The Interfaith Vegan Coalition, The Prayer Circle for Animals, Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary, Out to Pasture Sanctuary, Wildwood Farm Sanctuary, New Life Animal Sanctuary, Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary, Veganpalooza, Northwest VEG, Animal Hero Kids, SAFE for the Animals, and Daniel Redwood’s animal rights album, “Songs for Animals, People and the Earth.” Daniel and I combined his music with my animal photography in the video “Just Like Us”—an animal rights anthem (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbo4EByL0Js).

My writing is included in The Missing Peace: The Hidden Power of Our Kinship with Animals, Turning Points in Compassion: Personal Journeys of Animal Advocates, and Letters to a New Vegan: Words to Inform, Inspire, and Support a Vegan Lifestyle. My animal advocacy was profiled in Our Hen House, “Creating Game-Changing Art for Animals: Our Hen House Talks to Beth Lily Redwood” (ourhenhouse.org).